See what’s happening here at The One and Only Guitarworks!
“The place to take your pick.”
Est. 1987.
Call now! (317) 885-1510

The place to take your pick.
Guitarworks is a privately owned music store located in Greenwood, Indiana. For over 35 years, we’ve been “the place to take your pick” for guitars, basses, drums, PA, recording and more. Our knowledgeable staff of people you’ll actually like, is assembled from all over this great country and we’re here to serve your musical needs.
Guitarworks is located in Greenwood, just south of Smith Valley Road on State Road 135. We’re right across the street from the Super Target and in between the Home Depot and Outdoorsmen Sport Shop on the west side of 135

Band Builders.
Band Builders at Guitarworks is unlike anything else you’ll experience. Interested in teaming up with other musicians with a similar age and skill level? Check out more below.